Contact Us - Spammers be warned

Let's cut to the chase
Lemon Chess Pie

I like you, you like this blog, let's make a deal. If you want to support this blog, or you just want to show your chow-fection, give me a holler at my email. Actually no, I'm not going to put my email out on the web. Scroll down and you'll see a contact form on the right column. You didn't think I was that stupid did you, classic spammer move. Amongst all the sarcasm I just want to say thank you all for your support and you're kind words, even though I'd much rather prefer your support, I'm just joking, okay maybe I'm not.
I'm super popular so don't feel sad if you don't hear back from me. Just get back on that saddle, copy and paste that special email and one day i'll see it, trust me. I just won't answer cause you're spamming me, don't spam my inbox. But anyways that's how you do it, comment below if you're too lazy to email, and as always


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