Thursday, December 19, 2013

Nutella No-Bake Crumb Bars - "Fudge"ddaboudit

Are you cheap? Is it too much effort for you to get a shopping cart so you end up carrying all your groceries? Are you hungry? If you answered yes to any of the questions above  then, this chow-fection is perfect for you. Not only is this easy to make, but you can have better than store-bought fudge in under ten minutes. Yes, it's amazing what sugar, butter, and chocolate can do in the same amount of time it takes for you to take a dump. And although these bars are certainly fudgy I wouldn't necessarily call them fudge. When you sink your teeth into these bars the chocolate automatically melts on the tongue, but the oats provide a nice chewy, nutty finish. If the kids are itching to give the family gifts this is the perfect activity to get them involved. Not only are these super easy to make, but you're friends and family will finally know that you have the best kids in the family. So scroll down and check these out!

To start I am going to bring my sugar, butter, cream, and cocoa to a boil over medium heat. Once the butter has completely melted and the mixture boils, keep it on the heat for another minute. 

When you're all set add the oats and Nutella and stir it all together. The oats give this a somewhat nutty taste and crunch, and structure-wise they make for crumbtastic fudge.

I'm going to line an 8x8 pan with an aluminum sleeve, and oil it generously with either the paper from the stick of butter, or vegetable spray.

Pour the fudge in the pan and even it off. Make sure you touch every corner of the pan with the mixture and give it a tap on the counter to make sure there are no air bubbles. 

Now once this cools, which will take only a couple minutes, you could certainly cut into it and get your holiday on. But I like to eat this cold so I chucked mine into the refrigerator to set completely. When mine cooled I turned the pan out, and sliced up even pieces. For this recipe with the oats I like a rugged shape to my bars. To do this I chopped down at a slight angle really quickly to shard off large pieces of fudge. If you want you can do the traditional straight cut but whatever fudges you boat. 

You can roll these in anything you'd like, powdered sugar, cocoa powder, crushed pop rocks, but I kept mine plain and simple. Personally I think they taste better this way, or it's because I'm lazy like that but you can be the judge of that. 

There is one thing you have to be careful of. If you put too many oats in the fudge then they will not cut straight. Bits and pieces of fudge clumped with oats will fall off but do not be sad. These crumbs are perfect for a breakfast parfait. All you need to do is layer yogurt with your fudge crumble and berries and you have a fantastic morning snack. 

But that's the end of this chow-fection. I hope with your help we can make this christmas the fudgiest, bestest christmas there ever was. And as always, 


2 cups sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 stick butter
½ cup heavy cream
½ cup Nutella
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups rolled oats

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